Hearing loss is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can occur for various reasons, so it’s important to seek advice from a hearing specialist. They can help you understand the cause and find the right solution, whether that involves hearing aids or other treatments. In the following sections, we’ll explore four potential causes of hearing loss to guide you in finding the best solution for your needs.

Age-Related Hearing Loss

It’s normal for hearing to decline as you get older, usually starting around age 50 or 60, though it can begin earlier. Factors like genetics and lifestyle choices can affect how your hearing changes over time. Taking care of your hearing throughout your life can help prevent many problems. If you notice changes in your hearing as you age, it’s a good idea to schedule an appointment with a hearing health professional for a checkup. This will help your hearing health professional to track your hearing and make the necessary adjustment to your treatment plan.

Hearing Loss from Loud Noises

One of the most common causes of hearing loss is loud noises. Anything over 80 decibels (dBs) is considered extremely loud and likely to pose a risk to your hearing. You may be exposed to sounds exceeding this on a daily basis. The sounds of traffic, a busy restaurant and even your headphones can exceed this limit. You may also experience hearing loss from loud sounds because of your job, and a regular hearing test is recommended in this case. If you are exposed to loud noise constantly, your hearing health professional can recommend hearing aids with a noise reduction feature or hearing protection.

A Recent Injury to the Head

A recent head injury can sometimes lead to hearing loss. When you hit your head or experience a traumatic event, it can damage the structures in your ear or the nerves that help you hear. This type of injury might affect your inner ear, where sound is processed, or even disrupt the connections between your ear and brain. If you’ve had a head injury and notice changes in your hearing, it’s important to see a hearing health professional. They can check for any damage and recommend the best treatment to help you have a better quality of life.


Genetics can significantly influence your risk of hearing loss. If hearing problems are common in your family, you may be more likely to experience similar issues. Certain genetic conditions can lead to hearing loss either from birth or later in life. Understanding your family’s health history can help you stay proactive about your hearing health. Regular visits to a hearing health professional can help identify if genetic factors are affecting your hearing and provide tailored advice and treatment options to address it.

It is advised to see a hearing health professional if you have experienced any of these factors. Scheduling an appointment with a hearing health professional is best done sooner rather than later if you experience hearing issues. There is almost always a common reason, and early treatment can help prevent the issues from getting worse.